Thursday, April 1, 2010

Sleeeeep :)

Last night I slept terribly- maybe a couple hours, total. I've been wiped all day! I didn't wake up and exercise before work but i did go to the gym after work!

A LOT of snacking today and weird food (lunch was a big bag of beef jerky & a granola bar). Calories maybe a little high but nothing outrageous.

45 minutes on the recumbent bike (my knee is really bothering me... I think I just need to give it a break from running for a few days... poor thing isn't used to running several days in a row!). Light bicep/tricep/shoulder workout.

That's been my biggest issue today so I over-compensated with caffeine. Now it's 11:15pm and I'm EXHAUSTED but alert. $@#&*!

Tomorrow's Friday- TGIF :)

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Happy Hump Day!

I've been trying to get 6+ hours of sleep every night & it feels soooo good! I always feel like sleep makes such a difference in my metabolism, too. Plus, my willpower to not eat junk food tends to be stronger when I'm not exhausted.

My run this morning was good... a little slower than the previous 2 days and I had a little discomfort in my shins from increasing my mileage so much this week (I never run consecutive days like I am this week). I also got new shoes last weekend and I'm not entirely sure if they're contributing to the issue or not... time may tell.

I think tomorrow morning I am going to the gym & biking for 45 min instead of running... just to give my legs a break.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Morning Runs

My workouts have really suffered in the last two weeks b/c I've been over-doing it at work.

My solution... don't rely on my evenings for my workout! This week I have started waking up a little earlier and running every day (well, 2 days so far... but it will be every day!).

There are so many theories out there that running in the mornings on an empty stomach burns more fat or burns more calories than running later in the day. I'm really don't know if that's true or not... I kinda feel like I'm trying to run my car with no gas! I'm definitely a little slower in the mornings but it's a GREAT way to start my day!

My diet's been pretty good- not perfect by any means, but consistent.

I've got 7 more weeks to go for my 10-week target!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Quick Re-cap

NOT feeling so good about how I did this week...

MONDAY- nada
TUESDAY- worked til 11pm then had to leave for airport at 3:30 the next morning so had to go to bed... definitely no workout
WEDNESDAY- Worked til 11pm (after flying to New Jersey) and was exhausted. Crashed. No workout.
THURSDAY- Worked/Traveled for work til 10:30pm. Just took a hot shower. About to crash. No workout.


I need to be super strict this weekend to make up for this week! Yuck!

Monday, March 22, 2010

If you don't know where you're going, how do you know when you get there?

I am not the best athlete on the course but I love to compete in multi-sport races (swim/ bike/ run)... the atmosphere at these events is super-charged with energy for me!

I've got a few events on the books this year... here they are with links to more info in case anyone wants to join!!!








30- IRONMAN 70.3!!!! (1.2 mi swim/ 56 mi bike/ 13.1 mi run)
* Just found a training program I like for this... (here)

Monday = Blehhh

Ummm let's see... ate like crap. Didn't exercise. Any questions? :)

Cliff Bar, Pear, handful of almonds

2 handfuls of almonds, Special K cereal bar

Grilled chicken salad, 2 cordial cherries, probably more almonds

sunflower seeds (at a softball game),

QDoba (just looked it up... like 715 calories- woah!!), couple handfuls of Kashi GoLean Crunch cereal

Sunday, March 21, 2010


Have I mentioned that I really love weekends :)

today was a lot like yesterday... slept in LATE!

Got about 8 hrs of sleep (we went to bed around 4am- whoops!). Felt good!

Brunch- same as yesterday... yummy
Snack- Yogen-Fruz with kiwi & blueberry on top (I'm addicted to This Stuff!)
Snack- Small 'skinny' protein shake
Dinner- kiddie-sized turkey sandwich from subway (double turkey/veggies/wheat)
* Didn't drink enough water today... very rare for me!

Gym- shoulders & abs
Cardio- about to do 30-45 minutes on the bike. Yippee!

Then... hopefully going to bed by 11:30. Want to get a good start on this week!