Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Morning Runs

My workouts have really suffered in the last two weeks b/c I've been over-doing it at work.

My solution... don't rely on my evenings for my workout! This week I have started waking up a little earlier and running every day (well, 2 days so far... but it will be every day!).

There are so many theories out there that running in the mornings on an empty stomach burns more fat or burns more calories than running later in the day. I'm really don't know if that's true or not... I kinda feel like I'm trying to run my car with no gas! I'm definitely a little slower in the mornings but it's a GREAT way to start my day!

My diet's been pretty good- not perfect by any means, but consistent.

I've got 7 more weeks to go for my 10-week target!


  1. Keep reaching for that goal! I have been MAJORLY slacking lately myself. Not sure if you know, but I coach a dance team and we have tryouts next week. That turns my days into reallllly long ones (probably not as long as yours!). But my workout schedule suffers. bleh.

  2. I didn't know you coach a dance team- how cool! High school girls or what age?

  3. 7th/8th graders :) It's so much fun!
